How far is the beach from Kokanwadi Resort?
Are-Ware beach is just 2 km from Kokanwadi Resort.
Which is the closest popular tourist spot from Kokanwadi Resort?
Kokanwadi Resort is located between Ratnagiri and Ganpatipule. Ganpatipule is 12 km from Kokanwadi Resort.
What is the availability of mobile or telephone networks and internet at Kokanwadi Resort?
All major mobile networks like Vodafone, BSNL, Airtel, Idea, etc. are available at Kokanwadi Resort. BSNL landline is also avail able for emergency calls. Broadband internet is not available, but one can avail internet facility at slow speed using data cards.
What kind of food is served at Kokanwadi Resort?
Kokanwadi Resort offers delicious vegetarian and non-vegetarian food (including fish) with Konkani specialty.
Are there any AC rooms at Kokanwadi Resort?
All rooms are equipped with AC.
Is television available at Kokanwadi Resort?
Yes all rooms are equipped with TV.
Is the location ideal for star gazing or bird watching?
Kokanwadi Resort is the most ideal spot for star gazing . Also there are nice routes in and around Kokanwadi Resort excellent for bird watching and photography. Also the location is ideal for educational tours because of biodiversity, rare birds, and huge mango and cashew plantation.
How are the security arrangements at Kokanwadi Resort?
Kokanwadi Resort is midway between Ratnagiri and Ganapatipule. Kotawade is the closest village, which is only 2 km from the resort. Twenty four hours security . At night also sufficient staff is available at Kokanwadi Resort.
Is there any discount for group bookings?
Yes, but only during off-season.
Is it possible to arrange cars for sight-seeing?
Yes, car can be arranged from bus or railway station and also for sight-seeing.
Is medical help available in and around Kokanwadi Resort?
'Doctor on call' facility is available. Emergency contact numbers will be available at the reception.
Can we cook at Kokanwadi Resort?
No, cooking in individual rooms or cottages is not allowed. You will have to use the common dining area for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anyway, our tasty and homely food will surely make you forget the need of cooking.
Is it feasible to visit Kokanwadi Resort during rainy season?
Yes, Kokanwadi Resort is an ideal spot in all seasons.
What is the best time of the year to visit Kokanwadi Resort?
Although Kokanwadi Resort is situated at 400 ft approximately above sea level, the atmosphere is pleasant throughout the year.
Do you provide extra bedding for children if required?
Yes, extra charges per bed will be applicable.
Is there any arrangement for the drivers of our vehicles?
Yes, the arrangement for drivers can be made at reasonable cost.
If we are coming for the first time in Konkan, can we hire a guide for the ease of travelling?
Yes, guide can be made available, half day or full day as per your requirement. Let us know in advance.